How to Build Brand Awareness as a Luxury Brand?

Want to attract more customers to your luxury brand? Customer’s who will take action to join your email list and purchase your products. 

Then you need a plan that you can consistently execute to attract the right audience. 

An often neglected part of any business is its brand awareness strategy. 

In this post, I’ll explain how to build brand awareness as a luxury brand. 

Be sure to save this post and note down any insights you discover. 

Let’s dive in.

What is Brand Awareness?

Quickly, brand awareness is about getting your brand in front of your audience. Brand awareness is part of your top-of-funnel strategy when we think of the typical marketing funnel. 

The Top of Funnel 

Most people will discover your luxury brand through top-of-the-funnel (TOF) efforts. TOF is where all your internal and external activities will generate more customers.

The Middle of Funnel 

Activities in the middle of the funnel occur when someone takes another action within your brand. That could be joining your email list. 

The Bottom of the Funnel

When someone takes the ultimate action within your luxury brand, they are at the bottom of the funnel. For example, an ideal next step could be making a purchase. 

Notice that the funnel gets smaller the deeper people go. That’s because most of the people at the top of the funnel won’t make it to the bottom.

Because of this, you’ll want to ensure you are consistently filling the top of your funnel with high-quality prospective customers. 

So let’s break down how to increase brand awareness for your luxury brand.

Have a Clear Target Audience 

One of the first steps for building branding awareness for your luxury brand is to be clear about your target audience. 

Ask yourself some questions:

  • Who do I want to attract to my brand?
  • What do the people in my target audience want or desire?
  • Where do my products fit within their desires?

These are just some questions to ask yourself. Suppose you don’t know the answers to those questions. The first step is to get clarity about your luxury brand.

When you have the clarity, you need about your audience. You’ll understand what your audience cares about, where your audience hangs out, what impacts their day, etc. 

This information will be useful in helping you to make intelligent business decisions, allowing you to maximize your time and resources.

If you already know your target audience, you still need to get specific about their desires.

So ask your existing audience. You could do this in several ways.

  • Use audience surveys.
  • Use the question & poll stickers on your most used social media channel.
  • Ask those that are on your email list. 
  • If you have an online community, ask for their input.

Then use the information your audience shared to create your objective and strategy. In addition, use any unique language or words your audience communicates with you in your marketing. Just remember to make sure it aligns with your brand values and message.

Decide on Your Luxury Brand Awareness Strategy 

A brand awareness strategy is your plan for where and how you’ll execute your marketing. After understanding your audience, it’s time to decide what the focus should be. 

First, look at the facts about your business.

  • Are you a solopreneur, or do you have a team?
  • Do you have anyone helping with marketing?
  • How many resources (time, money, etc.) do you have?

If you are a team of one, your time will be limited. Instead of focusing on being everywhere, choosing a couple of strategies, you can execute yourself will be important. 

Think about your current schedule. Do you have a day job, family commitments, etc.?

Depending on your answer, choose a strategy that you can consistently do.

For example, writing one blog post a week and then repurposing that post into smaller pieces of content on TikTok.

Have a team? Look at where you are currently investing in marketing. What channels are driving the most engagement and revenue? What channels are not moving the needle in your business?

If a channel isn’t working and you don’t want to eliminate it, figure out a new strategy that will work for that chosen channel. 

Ways to Build Brand Awareness For Your Luxury Brand

There are a variety of ways you can build your luxury brand awareness. Here are a few:

Produce Long-form Content

Long-form content is any content you can go in-depth with, such as blog posts, videos, and audio. Either of these formats allows your audience to understand better topics surrounding your brand and products. 

You could create YouTube videos if you’re in the home decor market. The content of your videos could include home styling advice. Where you would have your products featured. 

Work With a Luxury PR Firm

Another way to build brand awareness for your luxury brand is to work with a luxury PR firm. 

A luxury PR Firm can work with you to decide which type of media would work best for your brand. 

For example, you could get featured on TV, placing you right in front of your audience. The great thing about TV is that it reaches many viewers, and you can showcase your products!

Partner With Complementary Brands

Do you have any potential partners with that you’d love to collaborate? Where you can mutually expose each other to your audiences.

If so, reach out and discuss a potential partnership and devise a creative way to help support each other. 

You never know what will come of a successful partnership.

Use Social Media

With the advancement of technology, social media is now favoring many product-based brands, especially with the integration of social commerce.

Social commerce allows you to sell your products through social media, giving your audience an easier way to shop.

How to Create Your Luxury Brand Awareness Strategy?

Use the insights you know about your audience and figure out what combination of marketing will work best. Remember, if you are a team of one or have limited resources. Choose some brand awareness strategies that will be most effective for you. 

Organic Method

If you want to go the organic route, here is an example. 

Primary marketing channel: the blog of your website.

If you sell high-end home cleaning products like L’avant, you could write helpful articles that support the type of products you sell. You can create valuable blog posts on your website showcasing your products. Plus, you’ll get the added benefit of organic search traffic if you optimize your content for SEO.

Secondary marketing channel: TikTok videos for engaging content.

TikTok is the place to be for short-form video content that gets reach. You don’t have to post over-produced videos to get a lot of views. You have to post quality content consistently. If you are light on time, use TikTok’s scheduler to schedule your videos. Log in to respond and engage your audience.

Also, if you’re on TikTok, follow The May Creative to get more insights about growing and scaling your luxury brand. I’m still getting used to the platform so let’s connect. 

Paid Methods

Have more resources, and do you want to hire additional help? Here are some paid examples of how you can increase your luxury brand awareness.

Primary Method: run ads.

Work with an advertising agency, or if you know how to run your ads, you can also manage them. Select the platform that gives you the best access to your audience. Then create engaging ads that will get them onto your store and email list.

Remember that if you choose the ads method, ensure you have the budget. Once you stop running the ads, you’ll be turning off your traffic.

So I recommend not 100% relying on this method as there may be better sustainable methods for the long-term. 

Secondary Method: host an event

Do you sell niche products? Or products that would do well at an event? Events are an excellent way to meet and engage with your customers.

If you live in an area that has an affluent population or you can travel. Events can be a great way to get access to more exclusive customers.

When you’ve decided on your methods, it’s time to take action.

Take Action

One of the hardest things to do as a business owner is taking action. Fears and insecurities can creep up that cause you to procrastinate. 

The only way to overcome those fears is to take action and do the work anyway. 

After you’ve figured out your strategy, start creating the content or building the connections you need to get momentum. 

Put what you need to do on your calendar, share it with your team, and set deadlines.

Don’t just write your ideas on paper and forget them. Instead, you should be taking daily actions toward your goals. 

Because in about 90 days from the time you start executing your plan. You’ll need to check in and see how things are going.

Assess and Refine Your Tactics

After about 90 days, check in and see how your strategy and tactics work. You’ll want to assess what changes or new developments have occurred. 

Depending on the answers you discover. You can decide to continue executing your strategy or make adjustments. 

Some strategies may take longer to see results than others. For example, SEO is a more comprehensive strategy that takes time to see its effectiveness. Instead of changing directions at the 90-day mark, look for minor improvements that tell you it’s working. That could increase your overall site traffic compared to the previous period. Then reassess at six months instead of 90 days.

Also, be realistic about any efforts you’ve put in. For example, if you only wrote one blog post in 90 days, it wouldn’t be fair to say that the strategy didn’t work. Or if you only posted on social media once a month, then you don’t have enough data to make a fair assessment.

Building brand awareness can take time, but with consistent action and a solid plan, you can start to see results. 

Be careful of comparison traps. You may need to find out the full story of another brand’s background. They may have spent years building their products before launch. Or they have unique connections that they can leverage.

Your focus should be on executing your plan and nurturing your audience. Make sure you have a great brand & website in place, so they have a great first impression.

Download the complimentary brand brilliance workbook below to evaluation your brand and it’s position in the luxury market.


I'm Karen, a Luxury Brand Strategist and Shopify Web Designer for product-based brands. I take a strategy-first approach to creating captivating branding and website experiences that help you amplify your competitive advantage, increase conversions, and build brand loyalty. Explore the other insightful luxury articles and listen to Luxury Cultivated to help you grow a remarkable brand. Plus, discover how we can work together to create your luxury experience.


Keep Reading

  • How to Build A Luxury Brand
  • What do Luxury Customers Want Before They Buy
  • How to Build an Online Community Around Your Luxury Brand